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What is the Hologram?

What is the Hologram?

What is the Hologram?

What is the Hologram?

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A viral four-person health monitoring and diagnostic system practiced from couches all over the world. Three non-expert participants create a three-dimensional “hologram” of a fourth participant’s physical, psychological and social health, and each becomes, the focus of three other people’s care in an expanding network.

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A viral four-person health monitoring and diagnostic system practiced from couches all over the world. Three non-expert participants create a three-dimensional “hologram” of a fourth participant’s physical, psychological and social health, and each becomes, the focus of three other people’s care in an expanding network.
What is The Hologram? The premise is simple: three people – the ‘Triangle’ – meet on a regular basis, to listen to and support the physical, mental and social health of a fourth person – the ‘Hologram’.
The Hologram, in turn, teaches these listeners how to give and also receive care. When they are ready, the Hologram will support them to each set up their own triangle, and so the system expands.
This social technology is based on the experimental care models developed in the Social Solidarity Clinics in Greece during the height of the financial and migration crisis. The result is the construction of a robust multidimensional health network, collectively-oriented social practices, and trust that can outlive capitalism.
Its protocol ensures that all caretakers are cared for, and regards properly supporting someone else’s wellbeing as therapeutic in itself. The Hologram is a mythoreal viral distribution system for non-expert healthcare, practiced from couches around the world.
4 black and white textured triangles outlining a physcial listener, emotional listener, the hologram and social listener
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