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Upcoming Course – Applications are open!

Upcoming Course – Applications are open!

Upcoming Course – Applications are open!

Upcoming Course – Applications are open!

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close May 28th, 2021 | 12am GMT
#Courses #Past Events

The Hologram: Why Not Be Vulnerable?

JUNE14-JULY26 6-9pm GMT, [1-4pm (Eastern Standard Time)], on Zoom.

Applications close at midnight GMT on May 28. Apply here:

This is the fourth course for people interested in practicing The Hologram. The Hologram is an idea, a practice, an experiment and a growing community. “We” are Lyra Hill, Nat Boon, and Sage Jaffrey, your course facilitators. We are also a larger group of people helping each other. You can find more out about us at

The course will take place on seven consecutive Mondays, starting June 14th and finishing on July 26th. Each session will run from 6-9pm GMT, [1-4pm (Eastern Standard Time)], on Zoom. Please only apply if you can commit to attending 6/7 workshops.

This course will focus on the question “why not be vulnerable?” and will be aimed at – though not exclusively for – people who identify as men. 

Caregiving is often the labour of women and femmes. We want to challenge this power dynamic by teaching a course about The Hologram that focuses on masculinity and patriarchy. 

If you do not use he/him pronouns, please still apply! Everyone is welcome!

To apply for a place in the course, you need to fill out this application form. Courses are usually oversubscribed, so we encourage you to fill this form out sooner rather than later. Applications will be open from May 18-28, 2021.

Click here to apply:
Please reach out to with any questions!

Event Partners & Collaborators

Event Partners & Collaborators

Event Partners & Collaborators

(Sir) Lyra Hill is an interdisciplinary artist, educator and organizer from California. They operate as a synthesist and Master of Ceremonies, drawing on disparate and expanding bodies of knowledge to understand, illuminate, and reconfigure oppressive power dynamics whenever and wherever possible. They love people and strive to cultivate a candid faith in humanity, which is why they are so excited by the generative infrastructure of the Hologram. Don't let their silliness fool you into thinking they are not also serious.
Nat Boon is a youth worker and a trainee counsellor from London. He joined the hologram team very recently as a trainee facilitator after having a great time on the course in the autumn of 2020. He is interested in how hierarchies define care and wishes we all lived in an Ursula le Guin story