The Hologram is a fast-growing, international network of people practising non-expert healthcare. From beds and sofas across Turtle Island, Mexico, Palestine, Ecuador, Singapore, India and across Europe, we’ve been meeting online since April 2020 to create a strong, self-sustaining network of listening and trust that we all need in order to outlive the broken society in which we live. The model works to ensure that all members are cared for, and understands that properly supporting someone else’s wellbeing can be therapeutic in itself.
Below are a set of questions we want to answer about casting spells on the economy that made us, and the economy that wants to destroy us, and whether or not we believe in control or ownership
questions by abolish ip
What prevents the IP terms connected to The Hologram from being the most exciting component of the art and presence we’re creating with The Hologram?
Is it annoying to have to think about some complicated, non-intuitive legal structure that has apparently set itself up as a traffic light at the intersection of our creativity and the global economy?
Imagine every copy of The Hologram that exists in space.time right now: saved in bundles of silicon-ordered electricity, printed as ink onto paper, saved in the consciousness clouds of its caretakers and participants. Now, imagine we could pass a wish through the network, or cast a spell on the economy that materialized The Hologram. (Who got paid and where?) What would we wish for or what would we say?
Imagine our neighbor develops grievances with a group of us, who also happen to be in a Hologram, and our neighbor decides to blame the Hologram for their woes and to launch a competing version called Holog®am, which teaches ways to do citizen surveillance through a hologram-like, triangular network. Our neighbor starts hosting Holog®am workshops that advance the teachings of citizen surveillance as part of caring for caretakers and people are getting confused about whether this is affiliated with the real Hologram. How might we want to respond to the use of Holog®am, or to prepare for points of confusion around what the Hologram is all about once The Hologram has been exposed to the cancerous market radiation of Capitalism for some time?
Imagine other misuses of the Hologram, perhaps a “Wikipedia Entry from the Dystopian Future” where our worst fears came true.
Are there any wishes, spells, or coats of armor that we’d want to cast onto the word Hologram, onto the art inspired by The Hologram, or onto the supply chains that transfigure The Hologram from the imaginary into material space.time?
The supply chains that exist when the Hologram materially expresses itself (what’s it printed on and how did that material get made, etc.)
Imagine again every copy of the Hologram that exists in space.time right now: saved in bundles of silicon-ordered electricity, printed as ink onto paper, saved in the consciousness clouds of its caretakers and participants. Which of these storage sites is our favorite? Which ones make us feel alienated?
If all of the versions of the Hologram stored in the consciousness cloudswere to conspire to Wish the Hologram into material form, what forms would the materializations take? Is there a single imagined materialization that feels most authentic to the Hologram, itself (e.g., a homemade book, a chiseled crystal, a radio signal (or choir), a performance)?
The reproductive health of the Hologram, in terms of the structure/geometry of the Hologram as it self-replicates and the role of creativity in each self-replication (i.e., from an IP perspective, this is mostly about forward looking economic impacts of creative works)
What types of patterns does the Hologram want to have in the material economy, measured by demand generated across sustainable or unsustainable supply chains that sustain the Hologram?
Is there an ideal rate of replication for the Hologram? (1) as measured by the creation of new social holograms and (2) as measured by the production and reproduction of certain forms of space.time materializations?
As the Hologram moves through the economy, it facilitates transactions that pattern or depattern trodden paths of trade. If we imagine the paths of trade created by the Hologram and the wake of justice or injustice left in the communities living around those paths, we could talk about the replication and reproduction of the Hologram across global supply chains as a matter of reproductive justice. If that sounds interesting, a morals clause inside of the IP license governing the Hologram could be a space to articulate that thinking.
Does Cassandra’s death alter the terms through which the Hologram moves through the economy?