[Spanish below]
Building a New World from the Inside Out is the intention we will focus on in our sixth course from the Hologram. The Hologram is an idea, a practice, an experiment designed by a group of artists and activists, and a growing community. In this project, the person who articulates their needs and asks for support is our teacher. In this particular course we are interested in how the slow focused creative work of giving and receiving care in an unstable world does and does not overlap with current models of strategic organizing.
We offer our courses to specific groups of people. Recent courses were offered specifically to people in Newcastle, UK, to people who identify as men and to people who do care work. For the first time, we would like to invite applications from two different self-identified groups at once. The two self identified groups who are invited to apply are (1) those experienced in giving and receiving care, professionally and personally and (2) people who live and work as “strategists”. What can strategic organizers learn from the slow, deeply material, creative interpersonal process of care work? What can carers gain from the energy of visioning, planning and organizing? How can the two groups or ways of being support each other?
In a series of five online sessions we will practice and discuss the social skills, values, and priorities that are central to The Hologram model. Each person will leave the course empowered to assemble and participate in their own Hologram.
The Hologram is a mythoreal viral distribution system for non-expert healthcare, practiced from couches around the world. The premise is simple: three people – the ‘Triangle’ – meet on a regular basis, to listen to and support the physical, mental and social health of a fourth person – the ‘Hologram’. The Hologram, in turn, teaches these listeners how to give and also receive care. When they are ready, the Hologram will support them to each set up their own triangle, and so the system expands. This experiment in social technology is based on the care models developed in the Social Solidarity Clinics in Greece during the height of the financial and migration crisis since the early 2010s. The result could be the construction of a robust multidimensional health network, collectively-oriented social practices, and trust that can outlive capitalism. Its protocol ensures that all caretakers are cared for, and regards properly supporting someone else’s wellbeing as therapeutic in itself.
Anyone may apply to this course. We will prioritize (1) people who work in a healthcare setting as a careworker, nurse, doctor, receptionist, and people who have been providing intensive at-home care for a long time (including people caring for their own complex health), or (2) anyone who works or worked as a strategic organizer in a professional or serious volunteer capacity. However, with the goal of producing a positive experience for participants, we will aim to line up a group that is culturally diverse, intergenerational, with a wide array of backgrounds and experience. Those who are not confident in their English skills (but who are able to use basic English) will have support in German, Spanish or Czech. People who applied for earlier courses will also be prioritized.
The course will take place on six consecutive Wednesdays, starting April 27 and finishing on May 25. Each meeting is 3 hours with a break in the middle at…
Berlin, Germany 18:00 – 21:00 CEST
London, United Kingdom 17:00 – 20:00 BST
New York, USA 12:00 – 15:00 EDT
Gaza, Palestine 19:00 – 22:00 EEST
Houston, USA 11:00 – 14:00 CDT
Mexico City, Mexico 11:00 – 14:00 CDT
Palo Alto, USA 09:00 – 12:00 PDT
Singapore, Singapore 00:00 – 03:00 SGT
Algiers, Algeria 17:00 – 20:00 CET
Lahore, Pakistan 21:00 – 24:00 PKT
Guayaquil, Ecuador 11:00 – 14:00 ECT
Johannesburg, South Africa 18:00 – 21:00 SAST
We will be using Zoom to meet, email and Telegram to communicate between classes, and Google Drive to access and upload materials.
More access details: Participants will need a computer with functioning video and audio, and decent internet connection. Participants are asked to be present on video most of the duration of the class. Different levels of bodily mobility are welcomed. It is not necessary but usually preferable to have a private, intimate feeling space for the call. The classes are conducted in English. This course will have a native Spanish speaker available to clarify and translate in the chat as well. Clarifications in German and Czech possible too. All dialects and English levels from intermediate on welcomed. The application will have a space to tell us if you would need any assistance for attending the class (a sign language interpreter, a web camera,…). Please, don’t hesitate to let us know, we would like to make it possible for you to attend.
In this Hologram course, people from all over the world are invited to study and practice what it means to organize care for themselves, especially if they are a professional or volunteer caretaker or strategist. In this course, participants will be guided through a process to remember together why and how to ask for support even if it seems like too much work, too much time, and with too few resources. Part of making this possible is that we must ensure that our supporters are supported.
As the dominating world systems crumble around us, including health systems, we invite people to design long-lasting systems for support and solidarity that can ensure that caretakers can outlast the coming social, economic and planetary emergencies. Participants in the course will experiment with how to organize and value the support they need to experience stability, and to seek the transformations they need in order to be healthy. We believe that our collective stability and health will allow us to destroy the destructive systems around us, while we imagine and practice new ways of being that make us feel powerful, together, and free.
We want to work together with you to remind ourselves what we have been forced to forget: how to be a cooperative, interdependent species.
Contact cooperativespecies@gmail.com if you need any further information or assistance.
Alexandra Navarrete is a political activist born in Ecuador who studied sociology and political science at the “Universidad Central del Ecuador” and Latin America studies in the “Freie Universität Berlin”. She has been living in Berlin for 5 years, where she is actively involved in strengthening the migrant community. Her commitment to supporting transborder spaces seeks to bring colonial criticism into reflection and action. At the paid-work level, she currently participates in the elaboration of educational materials and is also part of an educational initiative where she refers to topics on migration, social movements, decolonial and anti-extractivist struggles in Latin America.
Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelova is a Czech-Sorbian curator, artist, and organizer living in Berlin. They have been with The Hologram since the spring of 2020, facilitating workshops, Minimum Viable Hologram sessions, planning and organizing with the collective towards its sustainability and decentralization. They run a gallery in their bedroom called Mehringplatz20. Their ongoing projects involve the temporary university for post-work futures It’s All About Education at Studio Alta in Prague, strategizing for curating towards the end of art, and connecting with initiatives organizing for cooperatively created health autonomy. When they get angry, they write songs.
Cassie Thornton is an artist and activist originally from the US who has spent most of her life focusing on the potential power and danger of unpayable debt for our social body. Recently she works between Thunder Bay, Canada and Berlin, Germany. At this time she is collaborating with Phanuel Atwi and Max Haiven to understand dreams as a way to move through deep social conflicts that feel too big to battle. Cassie is the founder of The Hologram and has co-developed the course with Lita Wallis. This will be the 5th course she has facilitated.
Lita Wallis has been a part of the development of The Hologram courses from the beginning, and she will be our first ever course elder. Lita is a youth worker, organiser, and informal educator based in Mid-Wales. Whether in work or her personal life, Lita has spent much of her time experimenting with different shapes of supportive relationships (eg., cooperatives, triangles, flows and webs.) She hopes to bring some learning from this experience, plus some seeds of inspiration from her work with young people and her avid sci-fi habit, to support the new and experienced facilitators of The Hologram in a way that gives them power and energy.
“Construir un nuevo mundo desde dentro” Esta es la intención en la que nos centraremos en nuestro sexto curso del Holograma. El Holograma es una idea, una práctica, un experimento diseñado por un grupo de activistas, artistas y una comunidad en crecimiento. En este proyecto, la persona que articula sus necesidades y pide apoyo es nuestrx profesor. En este curso concreto además de compartir este modelo de cuidado nos interesa saber cómo el trabajo creativo de dar y recibir cuidados en un mundo tan inestable se encuentra -o no- con los modelos actuales de organización estratégica.
Anteriores cursos han sido ofrecidos a grupos específicos de personas, por ejemplo algunos se dieron específicamente a personas de Newcastle (Reino Unido), a personas que se identifican como hombres y a personas que realizan trabajos de cuidados. Esta vez, queremos invitar a presentar solicitudes a dos grupos autoidentificados como (1) quienes tienen experiencia en dar y recibir cuidados, profesional y personalmente, y (2) las personas que trabajan en la elaboración de estrategias en diferentes tipos de organización social. ¿Qué pueden aprender los organizadores estratégicos del proceso interpersonal, profundamente material y creativo del trabajo de cuidados? ¿Qué pueden aprender lxs cuidadores de la energía de la visión, la planificación y la organización? ¿Cómo pueden apoyarse mutuamente ambos grupos?
En una serie de cinco sesiones online practicaremos y discutiremos las habilidades sociales, los valores y las prioridades que son centrales en el modelo del Holograma. Cada persona saldrá del curso capacitada para montar y participar en su propio Holograma.
El Holograma es un sistema de distribución viral, una mezcla entre lo mito y realidad enfocada en la atención de salud de “no expertxs”, que se practica desde los sofás de todo el mundo. La premisa es sencilla: tres personas -el “Triángulo”- se reúnen regularmente para escuchar y apoyar la salud física, mental y social de una cuarta persona -el “Holograma”-. El Holograma, a su vez, enseña a estos oyentes a dar y también a recibir cuidados. Cuando estén preparadxs, el Holograma les apoyará para que cada uno establezca su propio triángulo, y así el sistema se expande. Este experimento de tecnología social se basa en los modelos de atención desarrollados en las Clínicas de Solidaridad Social de Grecia en plena crisis financiera y migratoria. El resultado podría ser la construcción de una sólida red de salud multidimensional, prácticas sociales orientadas a la colectividad y una confianza que puede sobrevivir al capitalismo. Su protocolo garantiza que todos los cuidadores sean atendidxs, y considera que apoyar adecuadamente el bienestar de otra persona es terapéutico en sí mismo.
Cualquier persona puede presentarse a este curso. Daremos prioridad a (1) las personas que trabajen en un entorno de salud como cuidador, enfermerx, médicx, recepcionista, y a las personas que lleven mucho tiempo prestando cuidados intensivos a domicilio (incluidas las personas que cuidan de su propia salud compleja), o (2) a cualquier persona que trabaje o haya trabajado como organizador estratégico de forma profesional o como voluntario (activista). Sin embargo, con el objetivo de producir una experiencia positiva para los participantes, trataremos de formar un grupo culturalmente diverso, intergeneracional, con una amplia gama de antecedentes y experiencia. También se dará prioridad a las personas que hayan aplicado a cursos anteriores.
El curso se desarrollará durante seis miércoles consecutivos, comenzando el 27 de abril y terminando el 25 de mayo. Cada encuentro tiene una duración de 3 horas con un descanso intermedio a…
Berlín, Alemania 18:00 – 21:00 CEST
Londres, Reino Unido 17:00 – 20:00 BST
Nueva York, Estados Unidos 12:00 – 15:00 EDT
Gaza, Palestina 19:00 – 22:00 EEST
Houston, EE.UU. 11:00 – 14:00 CDT
Ciudad de México, México 11:00 – 14:00 CDT
Palo Alto, EEUU 09:00 – 12:00 PDT
Singapur, Singapur 00:00 – 03:00 SGT
Argel, Argelia 17:00 – 20:00 CET
Lahore, Pakistán 21:00 – 24:00 PKT
Guayaquil, Ecuador 11:00 – 14:00 ECT
Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica 18:00 – 21:00 SAST
Utilizaremos Zoom para reunirnos, correo electrónico y Telegram para comunicarnos entre clases, y Google Drive para acceder y subir materiales.
Más detalles de acceso: Los participantes necesitarán un ordenador con vídeo y audio en funcionamiento, y una buena conexión a Internet. Se pide a lxs participantes que estén juntos en vídeo la mayor parte de la duración de la clase. Se aceptan diferentes niveles de movilidad corporal. No es necesario, pero es preferible, disponer de un espacio privado y con sensación de intimidad para las reuniones. Las clases se imparten en inglés. Este curso tendrá una hablante nativa de español, disponible para aclarar y traducir en el chat también. Es posible hacer aclaraciones en alemán y checo. Todos los dialectos y niveles de inglés desde el intermedio son bienvenidos. En la solicitud habrá un espacio para indicarnos si necesitas alguna ayuda para asistir a la clase (un intérprete de lengua de signos, una cámara web,…). Por favor, no dudes en decírnoslo, nos gustaría hacer posible tu asistencia.
En este curso de Holograma, se invita a personas de todo el mundo a estudiar y practicar lo que significa organizar el cuidado de sí mismxs, especialmente si son cuidadores o estrategas profesionales o voluntarixs. En este curso, se guiará a los participantes a través de un proceso para recordar juntos por qué y cómo pedir apoyo aunque parezca demasiado trabajo, demasiado tiempo y con muy pocos recursos. Parte de hacer esto posible es que debemos asegurarnos de que nuestros partidarixs reciban apoyo.
A medida que los sistemas mundiales dominantes se desmoronan a nuestro alrededor, incluidos los sistemas de salud, invitamos a la gente a diseñar sistemas duraderos de apoyo y solidaridad que puedan garantizar que lxs cuidadores puedan sobrevivir a las próximas emergencias sociales, económicas y planetarias. Los participantes en el curso experimentarán cómo organizar y valorar el apoyo que necesitan para experimentar la estabilidad, y buscar las transformaciones que necesitan para estar saludables. Creemos que nuestra estabilidad y salud colectiva nos permitirán destruir los sistemas destructivos que nos rodean, mientras imaginamos y practicamos nuevas formas de ser que nos hagan sentir poderosxs, juntxs y libres.
Queremos trabajar juntxs para recordarnos lo que nos han obligado a olvidar: somos una especie cooperativa e interdependiente!
Contacta con cooperativespecies@gmail.com si necesitas más información o ayuda.