Practice Portal is a simple, quarterly, two and half hour-long, online event where we can practice the Hologram protocol together in randomized groups. We hope to connect people who are using The Hologram practice in their lives, their curious friends, and other new people who want to get acquainted with social holography.
This meeting is a great way for people who are less familiar with The Hologram social practice to come and try it out with experienced practitioners, as it also offers people in the Hologram network a chance to practice together and with new people.
Our fall Practice Portal will be facilitated by Stella the Good Enough Witch.
It will take place on zoom ( No previous registration required
Each Practice Portal session takes place on a different day of the week and at different times to accommodate time zones and work schedules. If this Practice Portal takes place at an impossible time for you, we are sorry. Hopefully, one of the next sessions will be better.
If you have questions or are unsure if to attend, you can contact us at