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Hologram Open the House

Hologram Open the House

Hologram Open the House

Hologram Open the House

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Hologram Discord server
Tue 21st September, 2021| 4pm - 7-pm BST
#Events #Past Events

Hologram Open House is a meeting for all Hologram Familiars, Workers, and Practitioners about what is and where to go.

The Hologram is a living organism of people learning to practice, to share, to facilitate, and to grow the Hologram practice. The online practice you know has existed since March 2020 (with collaborative twinkles and experiments since 2016). It started as an art project, but the goal is that one day it will be a decentralized cellular structure that crosses out of art into the “real” world so that it can be available to anyone who would benefit. We hope that by 2023 it will be collectively, cooperatively defined by people who use it. The OPEN HOUSE is a major step towards seeing the administrative work, the creativity, and the radical and optimistic planning that has gotten us where we are. This meeting is the next step towards distributing the load and the fairy dust, that will allow the project to become what it needs to be.

The video meeting will happen on the Hologram Discord server.

RSVP (buy free tickets) by September 18th! here:

When you RSVP you will receive an agenda and instructions for participation before the meeting.

You can read more about the Hologram Open House:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact: or ask in the Community of Practice chat on Discord.