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Minimum Viable Hologram

Minimum Viable Hologram

Minimum Viable Hologram

Minimum Viable Hologram

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Detailed text on How to prepare for and what to expect of Minimum Viable Hologram

Minimum Viable Hologram is an online, facilitated, two hour-long Hologram session. In this session, one of our peer facilitators will walk you and your chosen triangle through the basic ideas of the project. They will explain how each part of the process works, and support your triangle to have a transformative and supportive conversation.

The simple but transformative method demonstrates how we can distribute the labor of care differently, creating sustainable energy—rather than exhaustion—and aiming us towards a social world where more people have the tools to participate in caregiving relationships.

You can use this meeting to help you set up your own long term hologram or you can just try the practice once. When you are ready to try it, you can schedule your session using the button on the left. In order to schedule, you will need to invite three people to join you. 

Please watch the video below to get a sense of what the process looks and feels like:

How does it work?

Invite three friends who you trust to join you for an online meeting, and sign up for an appointment.
If you make the appointment, you will be the Hologram, or the person who is getting the attention in the call. The other three are called the Triangle.

When you join the meeting, a facilitator will walk you through the steps of social holography. The meeting will last 2 hours.

Afterwards, you will receive an email inviting your feedback about the process as well as an invitation to think about whether you would like to continue the process.

More Questions?

If you have any questions you can get in touch with our MVH Administrix, Hannah. You can either send them an email at with ‘MVH’ in the subject line. Or you can book in to chat to them during their office hours here.